The weather started getting nice. The daffodils were poking out -- some even blooming -- and BAM!
We got about 3 inches of snow back in early March.

I was willing to let this go as just another freak of nature. I have heard that the Washington area often gets snow the first week of March and sometimes it can be a big snow. (But I have heard that a "big snow" in Washington means anything more than half an inch.)
So schools get delayed. Programs get cancelled. And people panic.
Just look how much snow is on the car. Just a dusting! But the roads were ice covered and most people here don't know how to drive in anything except during clear weather. (And even then that is questionable for many.)
Within 24 hours of the early March snow temperatures shot up. Within 72 hours it was all melted and gone.
Then can the Ides of March.
Let's get real folks. By mid-March in the Washington area precipitation is supposed to be rain not snow.
But who pays attention to such silly rules?
Beginning sometime the night between the 15th and 16th rain started as temperatures dropped to sub-freezing. Then later in the day the rain became sleet and then snow.
By the morning of the 17th the area was covered with about a half inch of snow, sleet, and ice.

Fortunately the roads remained clear because of the heavy traffic but the sidewalks are more like ice rinks.
That shiny part of the driveway is indeed ice. The home owner slipped along the driveway trying to get the newspapers. (Yes, there are still people who read newspapers every day.)
As this missive is being typed the temperatures are moving up past the freezing level and will hopefully melt the ice.
But this is just plain wrong.
It's not like this is Michigan or any of those other deep-freeze states where ice remains on the lakes well into June. This is a place that seriously believes ice should only be something used to chill a martini.
(As an aside, I have heard that Washington has a hockey team. Seems this really upsets the folks who live here. I keep hearing that the only cities that should be allowed to have a hockey team are those in locations were people can play hockey outdoors for at least two months out of the year.)
This is just what the area needs. Slippery roads and cold weather in an area where people don't know how to handle snow/ice or cold.
Why is this so dangerous this week?
It's St. Patrick's Day. With the possible exception of the World Cup or any rugby sevens competition there is no other time when people think they have a license to drink to excess.
The owners of the house are going the other way Saturday night.
They are getting together with Jessica and Kevin (to see when they are getting a new house so I can come and visit) for dinner and a basketball game. They are going to watch the local pro team -- forget the college finals -- and have Mongolian BBQ just around the corner from the arena.
Oh, and one last thing...
This d--n weather is so cold Elmira and I are having a hard time not shivering ourselves to death.
We are kept outside in the "sun room" but at 2:00 in the morning with sub-freezing temperatures there is NO SUN!
What's next? Keeping us out in 100 degree temps come this summer?
If anyone out there wants to protect Elmira and me from freezing or melting, please let my hosts know. I am sure they will do all they can to expedite my travel.