Wednesday, December 5

Dec. 5: A Day of Rejoicing

Let's hear it for Dec. 5.

It was on this date in 1933 that the United States came to its senses and repealed Prohibition.

The 21st Amendment was ratified this day 74 years ago.

I can't tell you hoe much Elmira and I appreciate the actions.

Besides being able to finally buy our hooch -- only selling alcohol was illegal under the 18th Amendment, not drinking -- without looking over our shoulders. (Yeah, I am older than your might think.)

Prohibition should have proved that trying to legislate morality is a failed policy. But that doesn't stop true believers from trying.

Interesting note about the 21st Amendment, it is the only Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to repeal another amendment.

A recent survey by the Freedom Forum showed that 38 percent of the people surveyed thought the First Amendment should be changed to ban flag burning.

Support from that group dropped 15 percent once they were told to do so would be the first time any portion of the freedoms in the First Amendment were amended.

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