Wednesday, December 5

Happy Hanukkah

To properly celebrate Hanukkah the folks I live with pulled out a Tom Lehrer album. Seems the sage of the 6os with such great hits as POISONING PIGEONS IN THE PARK and POLLUTION and THE MASOCHISM TANGO also had a tune for the Festival of Lights.

I couldn't find a way to send the full version with music -- that would be violating a dozen different laws -- but here are the words to the song.

I'm spending Hanukkah in Santa Monica
Wearing sandals, lighting candles by the sea
I spent Shavuos in East Saint Louis
A charming spot but clearly not the spot for me...

Those eastern winters, I can't endure 'em
So every year I pack my gear and come out here til Purim
Rosh Hashona I spend in Arizona
And Yom Kippah way down in Mississippah

But in December there's just one place for me
Mid the California flora I'll be lighting my menorah
Like a baby in its cradle I'll be playing with my draydel
Here's to Judas Maccabeus, Boy if he could only see us

Spending Hanukkah, in Santa Monica, By the Sea!

And just for fun here is a very funny FLASH version of Lehrer's song, The Elements.

Enjoy and Happy Hanukkah

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